"Each person should give what they have decided in their heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver". 2 Corinthians 9:7
As the Church gets back to normal operation after COVID-19, our support through "open offerings" (funds that come from the Sunday collection plate), rentals, and fund-raising events are more important than ever, as the activities and expenses of the Church rapidly increase. KLUC needs your help! Please donate, as you are able, to offset KL's operating expenses such as salaries and building maintenance, or a project or an event.
You can donate in any of the following ways:
1. E-TRANSFER: Donations can be made by e-transfer. The email address to use is finance@kingswaylambton.ca. Include in the message section information including your name and the recipient of the donation (i.e.: General Funds, UC Missions, Music Fund, Honduras Mission, Pageant, etc.) There is no need for a security question.
2. CREDIT CARD: Please use the Donate by Credit Card button below or call the office to provide your credit card information.
3. CHEQUE: Please click here for details on mailing cheques.
In the Fall, you will be mailed an overview of our annual Stewardship Campaign, which raises funds to cover salaries and operating costs needed to run all programs.
There are details about making In Memory and In Tribute Gifts.
Some may wish to consider making a Legacy Gift or a Bequest, or making a gift of donated securities.
Details are available about donating to special funds such as the Benevolent Fund, administered by the Coordinating Minister, to provide emergency assistance to people in need or to agencies that serve those in crisis.