Charity Art Show & Sale

Now in it’s 27th year, the Kingsway-Lambton Charity Art Show & Sale brings together 31 professional artists showcasing and selling their fine art across a range of media, with net proceeds supporting a variety of local charities.

Over 500 fine art pieces attract the attention of about 800 attendees in a one-day event in support of the arts community and charities.

Hop on over to a new website,, which is full of samples of the work of our artists.

It's also where you can buy your admission ticket which allows for an "early-bird" ticket price and enters your name into a draw to win the stunning piece of original art shown below.

Our Featured Artist This Year - Peter Colbert

As one of our 31 artists this year, Peter’s creative work is unlimited by usual norms as he explores landscape, figurative and abstract genres – and he would have it no other way. It helps keep his art fresh, exciting and unique – and satisfies his intense curiosity about ideas, drawing, composition, colour – and most of all the application of paint.


Door Prize - “Warm Spring Breeze”, acrylic, 30” x 20” with floating white wood frame, created and donated by artist Peter Colbert. Value: $1,425.